Podcast #27: Body Image
In this episode, Alix and Feli discuss body image. Covering topics like from body neutrality, intersectionality to how body image and positivity has been influenced by social media.
Content Warning: This episode contains conversations around self image, that touches on eating disorder, poor self image and discrimination. Below are time stamps if you need to skip specific sections.
0.00-2.12: Introduction of body image topics and guest intro
2.12-7.32: What is body positivity? + The history of the body positivity movement
7.32-12.33: Research into body positivity. What is intersectionality? + The importance of representation
12.33-19:45: Our own experiences with body image + what helped us. What is body neutrality?
19:45-24.02: Our own tips and what helped our body image journey
24.02-END: Body image resources and support in Leeds and online (links below!)
- The History of the body positivity movement https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z2w7dp3
- Kimberlé Crenshaw on Intersectionality https://www.law.columbia.edu/news/archive/kimberle-crenshaw-intersectionality-more-two-decades-later
- Definition of intersectionality (Oxford Dictionary) https://www.oed.com/dictionary/intersectionality_n?tab=meaning_and_use&tl=true#335059764
- #BodyPositive? c Doi: [10.3389/fspor.2022.908580](https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffspor.2022.908580)Full Citation: Griffin M, Bailey KA, Lopez KJ. #BodyPositive? A critical exploration of the body positive movement within physical cultures taking an intersectionality approach. Front Sports Act Living. 2022 Oct 10;4:908580. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.908580. PMID: 36299403; PMCID: PMC9589104.
- Locating disability within online body positivity discourses: an analysis of #DisabledAndCute https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2022.2032254 Full citation: Hill, S. (2022). Locating disability within online body positivity discourses: an analysis of #DisabledAndCute. Feminist Media Studies, 23(4), 1311–1326. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2022.2032254
- Body Image webpage by Laraib, Ella and Mara (Year 12 students in Leeds) https://wyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/health-young-people/body-image
- Developing a definition of body neutrality and strategies for an intervention by Pellizzer and Wade https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.07.006 Full citation: Pellizzer, M. and Wade, D. (2023). Developing a definition of body neutrality and strategies for an intervention. Body Image, 434-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.07.006.
- 5 steps to body neutrality
→Interviews with gender minority youth, exploring trans adolescents body image concerns and disordered eating https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1740144521000085
→Greta writes about how important it is for one to listen to their own body and to ground oneself
→MindMate page focusing on self image
→MindMate page focusing on eating disorders
- This Girl Can, a campaign helping woman get active their own way [https://www.thisgirlcan.co.uk](https://www.thisgirlcan.co.uk/)
- BeBodyPositive (NHS) courses + modules that explore eating and self image [https://bebodypositive.org.uk](https://bebodypositive.org.uk/)
- BEAT, an eating disorder charity in the UK that has a national helpline open from 3pm-8pm Monday to Friday: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/get-information-and-support/get-help-for-myself/i-need-support-now/helplines/
- Resources from BEAT https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/get-information-and-support/about-eating-disorders/downloads-resources/
TEDx videos on body neutrality
Existing: Body Neutrality and Beauty Standards by Sophia Vimeo
Body Neutrality is So Much More Than Neutral by Bon Allen