Are you a professional? Visit our professional's page for resources and information.

MindMate professionals

What resources can I use?

Before you continue…

The information in this section has been written for professionals. Some of the information covers difficult and distressing life experiences and the negative impact these can have on children and young people. You can choose to read on, or click here if you are looking for support for you or your child.

We are building a bank of resources and links here that you can access to support your practice. These include resources developed and accessed in Leeds as well as many from elsewhere in the UK or further afield. We will continue to grow our own resources to support a joined-up, consistent and collaborative approach between different agencies in Leeds working with young people and families.

How will Leeds become trauma-informed?

The Compassionate Leeds strategy document sets out a vision of how Leeds will become a trauma-informed city. Read it here.