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MindMate Support Team

Who are the MindMate Support Team? (MMST)

The MindMate Support Team is an early intervention Mental Health Support Team (MHST). The service is provided by Leeds Community Healthcare Trust and is delivered in partnership with education settings in Leeds. It is part of a national Mental Health Support Team project, commissioned by the government following the ‘Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision: a green paper’

The service aims is to improve access to support for children and young people, up to the age of 18 in education settings across Leeds, to prevent any emotional wellbeing difficulties becoming harder to manage.

We also work with staff in education settings to build cultures where wellbeing is prioritised for all. Go to our service leaflet

Mental Health Support Team’s have 3 core functions:

1. To give timely advice to school and college staff and liaise with external specialist services to help children and young people get the right support and stay in education.
2. To support the senior mental health lead in each education setting to introduce and develop a whole setting approach to mental health.
3. To deliver evidence-based interventions for mild to moderate mental health issues within groups and individually.

Go here for MMST: Information and resources for professionals

What can the team support me with?

Through our consultation model we can offer resources, advice and signposting information as well as supporting you/your child to access other appropriate services. We can also help education staff to work with you to support your/your child’s emotional wellbeing. We also offer one to one and group support to children and young people, Some examples of direct interventions we can provide are:
Low Mood – This may include issues with sleep hygiene, and lack of motivation.
Anxiety/Worry/Panic – This may include generalised anxiety, panic attacks, simple phobias, and separation anxiety.
Understanding and Coping with Emotions (Group only) – Supporting children and young people in identifying and understanding emotions as well as managing emotions and distress.
Self-esteem and building resilience (Group only) – For example, where a child or young person lacks confidence and speaks negatively about themself.


We have also developed a variety of self help resources and workbooks for common mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties for young people, families and education staff to use:

Go to self help workbooks from the MMST

How can I get support from the MindMate Support Team?

Speak to a staff member in your/your child’s education setting and they can contact the team on your behalf using our “Request for Support” form. With your consent we will then be able to offer a staff consultation in the first instance to discuss your concerns and create a shared plan of support for you/your child.

As we are an early intervention service offering low intensity, short term support you may wish to refer to the MindMate Single Point of Access if you feel our low intensity offer may not be the most suitable approach for your/your child’s needs. As a service we are unable to triage requests for neurodiversity assessments, these requests would go via the MindMate Single point of access.

Where are the MindMate Support Team based?

Due to the roll out of Mental Health Support Teams we are not currently able to offer our service to all education settings in Leeds. We are currently working with and accept Requests for Support from the following education settings:

(If you/your child is not in one of these education setting please refer for emotional wellbeing support via MMSPA.)



Is the service confidential?

We keep your information private and confidential, but we do share some things with your education setting unless you ask us not to. This will usually include letting them know you are receiving support from our service and letting them know when this support finishes.

We will always try to discuss information we need to share outside of our team with you first so that you know what we might say and why.