As a professional, how can I help?
No two young people are the same and the way that you work with them will always need to flexible, empathetic and responsible. But there are ways to make things easier, both for them and you.
What can I do to help?
Take your time and use resources
Websites listed on this site, for example on the common issues pages can help you find out more about young people’s challenges. Use our resource bank to search for issue-based information.
Talk about emotions and be prepared to listen
Talking freely about your feelings and experiences is really useful for young people. It shows them that everyone has challenges and difficult days, but they may be able to chat to adults about them. Making time to talk and listen is probably the most important thing you can do. Try to demonstrate you’re really listening to the young person’s feelings, that you’re not judging them and you want to help.
Get more savvy about online behaviour
Go to the CEOP website or Think U Know . Use this guide from The Samaritans on how to talk about internet use around suicide and self-harm.
ThinkUKnowFinding support for a young person
MindMate sets out the support available in Leeds and explains how young people can access this. A health professional can contact the Leeds MindMate Single Point of Access (SPA) service to make a referral. Alternatively, you can let young people (over 13) and parents/ carers know they can now self-refer to the SPA.
Look after yourself
If you’re helping someone who’s in a lot of distress, it can be hard for you too. Make sure you take some time to look after yourself and think about how it’s affecting you. This page explains how young people can take care of themselves – you could try some of these techniques too. You also may find MindWell helpful.
Training for you
Youth Mental Health First Aid is available by various local providers. Leeds CAMHS offers a range of training courses on child and adolescent mental health.
The MindEd website includes over 250 bitesize sessions of e-learning. Leeds Safeguarding Children Parternship provides safeguarding information and training for professionals working in Leeds.
If you are based in a school...
Find out if your school or college is signed up to the MindMate Champions programme and find out how you can get involved.
Useful links
Provides resources and information on everything to do with young people’s mental health.
If you suspect a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed then you must ensure Duty and Advice at the Front Door are contacted immediately. If a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, contact the police on 999.
Leeds Safeguarding Children PartnershipSchool Wellbeing
Visit the School Wellbeing site’s emotional and mental health section for a wide range of useful information and resources, as well as details of local training courses for professionals.
Keeping your mind healthy