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Practical support for young parents

Either yourself or your partner becoming pregnant may mean a change in your housing or employment situation. If that’s the case for you, the organisations on this page can help you if you are struggling with money, with finding housing and getting and keeping a job.


Provides support to young people aged 16 -25 from across Leeds in lots of ways, including pregnancy testing, peer support groups and crisis support.

Find out more


Works with young people aged 16-24 providing housing-related support, welfare advice and support to get and keep employment, education and training.

Go to website Call 0113 2481301

Leeds Housing Options

For advice on homelessness and prevention of homelessness.

(Emergency out of hours number is different – 0113 378 8366)

Call 0113 222 4412

Coram Children's Legal Centre

Provide free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals, as well as training and consultancy on child law and children’s rights

Go to website


HENRY supports families to make positive lifestyle changes, creating healthier and happier home environments, and building healthier communities.

Find out more

Support young people aged between 16 and 25 years of age offering homelessness prevention services, advice, work and skills, counselling and well being. They have emergency accommodation and provide supported tenancies in the community as well as visiting support to clients in their own homes with the ultimate aim to build independence.

Find out more